Articolo 21 - Editoriali
Lettera a Ban Ki Moon
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di redazione
To: H.E. Ban Ki Moon
UN Secretary General
Cc: H.E. Ambassador Li Baodong
Permanent Representative and Ambassador of the
People’s Republic of China to the United Nations
Cc: H.E. Ambassador G�rard ARAUD
Permanent Mission of France to the United Nations
Cc: H.E. Ambassador VITALY CHURKIN
Permanent Representative of the
Russian Federation to the United Nations,
Cc: H.E. Ambassador Mark Lyall Grant
UK Mission to the UN
Cc: H.E. Ambassador Susan E. Rice
Permanent U.S. Representative to the United Nations
Cc: H. E. Ambassador Ufuk Gokcen
Organization of the Islamic Conference
Permanent Observer Mission to the United Nation
Cc: H.E. Ambassador Helen Beckman,
Secretary to Head of Delegation
European Union Delegations
Cc: H.E. Dr. Augustine P. Mahiga
Special Representative to Somalia (SRSG) and Head of the United Nations
Political Office for Somalia (UNPOS)
Re: Concerned Somali Diaspora Rejects the Proposed Conference in Nairobi
Your Excellency:
It is with great concern that we write you this letter in order to register our outrage and
disappointment with the high handed approach of your Special Envoy to Somalia, Ambassador
Augustine Mahiga in his engagement with the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia
Ambassador Mahiga has for sometime been floating the idea of holding a High Level
Consultative meeting to be held in Nairobi , Kenyan on April 12 and 13, 2011 for the purpose of
bringing together a number of stakeholders in the Somali peace and reconciliation process.
Unfortunately, when the leaders of the of TFG informed Honorable Mahiga in a most diplomatic
manner, that his proposal was premature and that any conference or meeting related to the peace
process must as a matter of principle and protocol be held in Mogadishu, the seat of the sovereign
nation of Somalia, Ambassador Mahiga made a unilateral decision to hold the meeting.
Accordingly, the Prime Minister of Somalia, Honorable Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo held a
press conference on April 6, 2011 , in which he stated categorically that the TFG will not be a
party to the proposed Nairobi conference, a decision that is imposed on the Somali people by
UNPOS. In a press release issued on April 8, 2011 by Your Special Envoy to Somalia, it is clear
that Ambassador Mahiga does not realize the gravity of his decision as the statement makes it
clear that the “Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General Augustine P.
Mahiga today said that the High Level Consultative meeting will take place as scheduled on the
12 and 13 April in Nairobi.”
We are very concerned that honorable Mahiga is over exceeding both the mandate of the United
Nations Political Office for Somalia (UNPOS) and also the spirit of the Djibouti Peace Process.
The United Nations Political Office for Somalia (UNPOS) was instituted by the Secretary
General to, among other things, further the cause of peace and reconciliation in a framework that
consolidates the peace process and at the same time supports the efforts of the Transitional
Federal Government towards peace and stability. Likewise, the Djibouti Peace Process affirmed
the sovereignty, territorial integrity, political independence and unity of Somalia, and a
commitment to a comprehensive framework for peace and reconciliation that takes into account
full respect to the Transitional Federal Charter, of which the Transitional Federal Institutions are
creatures of.
By calling for and holding a peace conference on Somalia without the consent of the officially
recognized and legal government of Somalia, it appears that Ambassador Mahiga’s decision flies
in the face of Article 2 of the Charter of the United Nations with respect to the sovereign equality
of nations. It also contravenes the very raison d’être and the essential mandate of the United
Nations Political Office for Somalia (UNPOS). More seriously, it over steps the foundational
principles laid down during the Djibouti peace accord of 2008, which Ambassador Mahiga’s
predecessor, Honorable Ahmed Ould Abdalla successfully brokered.
We submit that Honorable Mahiga has taken the functions and prerogatives of the sovereign
nation of Somalia in “suo motu” and has embarked on making decisions that are the preserve of
the TFG, and in the process has undermined the political independence of Somalia, a sovereign
member nation of the United Nations.
We urge your Excellency to intervene in the matter and resolve the current impasse between the
Transitional Federal Government of Somalia and the United Nations Political Office for Somalia,
and use your good offices to remind Honorable Mahiga not to exceed his powers mandated under
UNPOS and also respect the political independence of the Somali government. We believe that
the said conference, if carried out despite the official objection of the Somali government, will be
counterproductive. It will also breed more acrimony and suspicion between the United Nations
and the Somali nation.
We finally remind your Excellency that it is due time that UNPOS and other United Nations
offices, including all other relevant agencies be deployed to Somalia as promised by your office
in a letter dated December 29, 209 and addressed to the President of the Security Council which
is consistent with Resolution 1872 ( 2009) of the UN Security Council.
Thank you.
Names of the Signatories:
01. Avv. Abdirahman Hosh Jabril, Toronto, Canada
02. Dr. Hassan Mahaallah, LA
03. Dr. Ali S. Faqi, Michigan, USA
04. Ali Mohamed Omar, Raleigh, NC
05. Ahmed Basto, VA
06. Hussein Abdikareem, Raleigh, NC
07. Mohamed Ahmed Tenis Toronto, Canada
08. Eng Mohamud Ali Mohamed, London, UK
09. Nour Omar, Dallas, Texas, USA
10. Mohamed Keyse, Columbus Ohio
11. Hussen Ahmed Drawish USA Virginia
12. Ismail Mohamed Mohamud Toronto Ontario
13. Hassan Ali, Alberta Canada
14. Bashi Jibril, Toronto, Canada
15. Mohamoud A Gaildon, Pennsylvania, USA
16. Abukar Yahye Sanei, Columbus, OH
17. Mohamed Yusuf Sheikh Hassan Toronto Ontario
18. Abdi Hashised, Toronto.
19. Said Farah Duale, Toronto
20. Mohamud Ali Adan, Toronto
21. Omar Warfa, Toronto
22. Adan Hashi Abdulle m Grand Praire, Alberta, Canada
23. Prof Mohamed Siyad Togane, Toronto
24. Eng. Mohamed Ali Addow, Toronto
25. Abdifatah Aden Warsame ( maroyare)
26. Saidq Ali Hashi, Ottawa
27. Liban Abdulkadir Zoppe
28. Avv. Bashir Ali, Raleigh, NC
29. Abdulkadir Ahmed Nuur, London U.K
30. Mohamed Haji (Ingiriis), London, UK
31. Ahmed B Abdullahi, VA
32. Col. Said Raghe Amey, Durham, NC
33. Bashir cabdiraxman gurxan, Columbus
34. Cabdikarim Mohamed Xade, Columbus
35. Col. Jaamac Xashi, Columbus
36. Suldaan Xaydar suffi maye, chief sunni in Columbus
37. Ugaas cabdiqaadir amin loolow, Colubus, OH
38. Nabdoon Mohamed cabdirahman, OH
39. Aweeys Nuuraani Sayid, OH
40. Amiin Abu Haadi, Columbus, OH
41. Osmaan Amiin Munye. Columbus, OH
42. Cabdicaiis Barre Jaamac, Columbus , OH
43. Col. Ahmed osmaan Gurhan, Columbus, OH
44. Duniyo Sh. Ahmed Columbus, OH
45. Mohamed Cabdiraxaman EGAL-kaxdage, Columbus
46. Yusuf khalif, calgary, Canada,
47. Tawfiq Ahmed Abdalla, toronto, Canada,
48. Abdi Farah, London, Uk,
49. Mohamud Awil, Coppenhagan, Denmark,
50. Abdirahman Shirre, Darrasalam, Tanzania,
51. Mohamed Elmi, toronto, canada,
52. Abdalla Momamud Ali, UAE,
53. Ali Said Haji Aliyow Melbourne - Australia
54. Abdirahmann A. Siad Toronto, canada
55. Abdirizak Mohamed Toronto, Canada
56. Qamar D. hassan Toronto , Canada
57. Abdulkani R. Barrow, Ottawa, Canada
58. Alinur Hussein Boodaaye, Toronto, Canada
59. Amira Khalif Addawe Minnesota, USA
60. Gure A. Omar Toronto, Canada
61. Dr. Ali Tifow, London, UK
62. Eng. Mahmoud Dahir, Fairfax, VA
63. Sheiknor Abucar Qassim
64. Dr. Omar Mohamed, Torono, Canada
65. Ibrahim Ahmed Mohamed, VA
66. Abdirahman Abdi Md, USA
67. Mohamed Ali Mire (Nabadoon), OH- USA
68. Abdulkadir Yalahow Hirabe, Nashvile, TN
69. Dr. Hassan Mohamed Sabrie, Raleigh, NC
70. Col. Abdullahi Ali Mao, Charlotte, NC
71. Mohamed Ali Ahmed, New Haven, CT
72. Marian Cusaman Sacid, VA, USA
73. Muse Mohamed Abtiyow, VA, USA
74. Abukar M Dahiye, VA, USA
75. Abdullahi A Yasir, VA, USA
76. Daud Farah Abdi, VA, USA
77. Abdalla M Xassan, VA, USA
78. Abdirizak Xussen Abdi, VA, USA
79. Xawa Yusuf Warsame, VA, USA
80. Ahmadey Adan Omar Boqor, VA, USA
81. Abdikarim O Ahmed, VA, USA
82. Abdirahim Y Warsame, Seattle, Washington USA
83. Mohamed N. Darwish VA,USA
84. Ayanle N. Ahmed VA,USA
85. Ayanle M. Ali Samantar VA, USA
86. Mahamed Ali Afgoye VA, USA
87. Jamal Sh. Said VA, USA
88. Ahmed Sh. Said VA, USA
89. Prof. Liban Egal VA, USA
90. Yusuf A. I. Bowbow VA, USA
91. Dr Mahad Ahmed Gilao Tenis Brampton Ontario
92. Ugas Col Mohamed Farah Ali Toronto Ontario
93. Ahmed Abdikarim Walaayo Toronto Ontario
94. Abdirashid Salad Farah Keyton Mississauga Ontario
95. Nabadon Yaquuf Mohamed Osman Gacal Toronto
96. Nabadoon Mohamed Ibrahim Buurfuule Toronto Ontario
97. Saleemaan Yahya Toronto Ontario
98. Khadija Abdullahi Dalays(Wabari Star)
99. Faduma Abdullahi Nakruma(Wabari star)
100. Batulla Ahmed Gabala(Famous lyricist)
101. Idman Ali Said, Toronto, Onatrio
102. Layla Ahmed, Toronto, Onatrio
103. Maryan Farah Sindiko, Toronto, Onatrio
104. Layla Ahmed, Toronto, Ontario
105. Hodan Yusuf, Toronto, Ontario
106. Avv Haredo Ibrahim Bolis, Toronto, Ontario
107. Abdia Sheikh Ahmed Va, USA
108. Basra A. Salad, Va, USA
109. Ibrahim Y. Farah Colombus, OH.
110. Abdulkadir M. Ali VA, USA
111. Dr. Qasim Hirsi Farah, Toronto, Canada
UN Secretary General
Cc: H.E. Ambassador Li Baodong
Permanent Representative and Ambassador of the
People’s Republic of China to the United Nations
Cc: H.E. Ambassador G�rard ARAUD
Permanent Mission of France to the United Nations
Cc: H.E. Ambassador VITALY CHURKIN
Permanent Representative of the
Russian Federation to the United Nations,
Cc: H.E. Ambassador Mark Lyall Grant
UK Mission to the UN
Cc: H.E. Ambassador Susan E. Rice
Permanent U.S. Representative to the United Nations
Cc: H. E. Ambassador Ufuk Gokcen
Organization of the Islamic Conference
Permanent Observer Mission to the United Nation
Cc: H.E. Ambassador Helen Beckman,
Secretary to Head of Delegation
European Union Delegations
Cc: H.E. Dr. Augustine P. Mahiga
Special Representative to Somalia (SRSG) and Head of the United Nations
Political Office for Somalia (UNPOS)
Re: Concerned Somali Diaspora Rejects the Proposed Conference in Nairobi
Your Excellency:
It is with great concern that we write you this letter in order to register our outrage and
disappointment with the high handed approach of your Special Envoy to Somalia, Ambassador
Augustine Mahiga in his engagement with the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia
Ambassador Mahiga has for sometime been floating the idea of holding a High Level
Consultative meeting to be held in Nairobi , Kenyan on April 12 and 13, 2011 for the purpose of
bringing together a number of stakeholders in the Somali peace and reconciliation process.
Unfortunately, when the leaders of the of TFG informed Honorable Mahiga in a most diplomatic
manner, that his proposal was premature and that any conference or meeting related to the peace
process must as a matter of principle and protocol be held in Mogadishu, the seat of the sovereign
nation of Somalia, Ambassador Mahiga made a unilateral decision to hold the meeting.
Accordingly, the Prime Minister of Somalia, Honorable Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo held a
press conference on April 6, 2011 , in which he stated categorically that the TFG will not be a
party to the proposed Nairobi conference, a decision that is imposed on the Somali people by
UNPOS. In a press release issued on April 8, 2011 by Your Special Envoy to Somalia, it is clear
that Ambassador Mahiga does not realize the gravity of his decision as the statement makes it
clear that the “Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General Augustine P.
Mahiga today said that the High Level Consultative meeting will take place as scheduled on the
12 and 13 April in Nairobi.”
We are very concerned that honorable Mahiga is over exceeding both the mandate of the United
Nations Political Office for Somalia (UNPOS) and also the spirit of the Djibouti Peace Process.
The United Nations Political Office for Somalia (UNPOS) was instituted by the Secretary
General to, among other things, further the cause of peace and reconciliation in a framework that
consolidates the peace process and at the same time supports the efforts of the Transitional
Federal Government towards peace and stability. Likewise, the Djibouti Peace Process affirmed
the sovereignty, territorial integrity, political independence and unity of Somalia, and a
commitment to a comprehensive framework for peace and reconciliation that takes into account
full respect to the Transitional Federal Charter, of which the Transitional Federal Institutions are
creatures of.
By calling for and holding a peace conference on Somalia without the consent of the officially
recognized and legal government of Somalia, it appears that Ambassador Mahiga’s decision flies
in the face of Article 2 of the Charter of the United Nations with respect to the sovereign equality
of nations. It also contravenes the very raison d’être and the essential mandate of the United
Nations Political Office for Somalia (UNPOS). More seriously, it over steps the foundational
principles laid down during the Djibouti peace accord of 2008, which Ambassador Mahiga’s
predecessor, Honorable Ahmed Ould Abdalla successfully brokered.
We submit that Honorable Mahiga has taken the functions and prerogatives of the sovereign
nation of Somalia in “suo motu” and has embarked on making decisions that are the preserve of
the TFG, and in the process has undermined the political independence of Somalia, a sovereign
member nation of the United Nations.
We urge your Excellency to intervene in the matter and resolve the current impasse between the
Transitional Federal Government of Somalia and the United Nations Political Office for Somalia,
and use your good offices to remind Honorable Mahiga not to exceed his powers mandated under
UNPOS and also respect the political independence of the Somali government. We believe that
the said conference, if carried out despite the official objection of the Somali government, will be
counterproductive. It will also breed more acrimony and suspicion between the United Nations
and the Somali nation.
We finally remind your Excellency that it is due time that UNPOS and other United Nations
offices, including all other relevant agencies be deployed to Somalia as promised by your office
in a letter dated December 29, 209 and addressed to the President of the Security Council which
is consistent with Resolution 1872 ( 2009) of the UN Security Council.
Thank you.
Names of the Signatories:
01. Avv. Abdirahman Hosh Jabril, Toronto, Canada
02. Dr. Hassan Mahaallah, LA
03. Dr. Ali S. Faqi, Michigan, USA
04. Ali Mohamed Omar, Raleigh, NC
05. Ahmed Basto, VA
06. Hussein Abdikareem, Raleigh, NC
07. Mohamed Ahmed Tenis Toronto, Canada
08. Eng Mohamud Ali Mohamed, London, UK
09. Nour Omar, Dallas, Texas, USA
10. Mohamed Keyse, Columbus Ohio
11. Hussen Ahmed Drawish USA Virginia
12. Ismail Mohamed Mohamud Toronto Ontario
13. Hassan Ali, Alberta Canada
14. Bashi Jibril, Toronto, Canada
15. Mohamoud A Gaildon, Pennsylvania, USA
16. Abukar Yahye Sanei, Columbus, OH
17. Mohamed Yusuf Sheikh Hassan Toronto Ontario
18. Abdi Hashised, Toronto.
19. Said Farah Duale, Toronto
20. Mohamud Ali Adan, Toronto
21. Omar Warfa, Toronto
22. Adan Hashi Abdulle m Grand Praire, Alberta, Canada
23. Prof Mohamed Siyad Togane, Toronto
24. Eng. Mohamed Ali Addow, Toronto
25. Abdifatah Aden Warsame ( maroyare)
26. Saidq Ali Hashi, Ottawa
27. Liban Abdulkadir Zoppe
28. Avv. Bashir Ali, Raleigh, NC
29. Abdulkadir Ahmed Nuur, London U.K
30. Mohamed Haji (Ingiriis), London, UK
31. Ahmed B Abdullahi, VA
32. Col. Said Raghe Amey, Durham, NC
33. Bashir cabdiraxman gurxan, Columbus
34. Cabdikarim Mohamed Xade, Columbus
35. Col. Jaamac Xashi, Columbus
36. Suldaan Xaydar suffi maye, chief sunni in Columbus
37. Ugaas cabdiqaadir amin loolow, Colubus, OH
38. Nabdoon Mohamed cabdirahman, OH
39. Aweeys Nuuraani Sayid, OH
40. Amiin Abu Haadi, Columbus, OH
41. Osmaan Amiin Munye. Columbus, OH
42. Cabdicaiis Barre Jaamac, Columbus , OH
43. Col. Ahmed osmaan Gurhan, Columbus, OH
44. Duniyo Sh. Ahmed Columbus, OH
45. Mohamed Cabdiraxaman EGAL-kaxdage, Columbus
46. Yusuf khalif, calgary, Canada,
47. Tawfiq Ahmed Abdalla, toronto, Canada,
48. Abdi Farah, London, Uk,
49. Mohamud Awil, Coppenhagan, Denmark,
50. Abdirahman Shirre, Darrasalam, Tanzania,
51. Mohamed Elmi, toronto, canada,
52. Abdalla Momamud Ali, UAE,
53. Ali Said Haji Aliyow Melbourne - Australia
54. Abdirahmann A. Siad Toronto, canada
55. Abdirizak Mohamed Toronto, Canada
56. Qamar D. hassan Toronto , Canada
57. Abdulkani R. Barrow, Ottawa, Canada
58. Alinur Hussein Boodaaye, Toronto, Canada
59. Amira Khalif Addawe Minnesota, USA
60. Gure A. Omar Toronto, Canada
61. Dr. Ali Tifow, London, UK
62. Eng. Mahmoud Dahir, Fairfax, VA
63. Sheiknor Abucar Qassim
64. Dr. Omar Mohamed, Torono, Canada
65. Ibrahim Ahmed Mohamed, VA
66. Abdirahman Abdi Md, USA
67. Mohamed Ali Mire (Nabadoon), OH- USA
68. Abdulkadir Yalahow Hirabe, Nashvile, TN
69. Dr. Hassan Mohamed Sabrie, Raleigh, NC
70. Col. Abdullahi Ali Mao, Charlotte, NC
71. Mohamed Ali Ahmed, New Haven, CT
72. Marian Cusaman Sacid, VA, USA
73. Muse Mohamed Abtiyow, VA, USA
74. Abukar M Dahiye, VA, USA
75. Abdullahi A Yasir, VA, USA
76. Daud Farah Abdi, VA, USA
77. Abdalla M Xassan, VA, USA
78. Abdirizak Xussen Abdi, VA, USA
79. Xawa Yusuf Warsame, VA, USA
80. Ahmadey Adan Omar Boqor, VA, USA
81. Abdikarim O Ahmed, VA, USA
82. Abdirahim Y Warsame, Seattle, Washington USA
83. Mohamed N. Darwish VA,USA
84. Ayanle N. Ahmed VA,USA
85. Ayanle M. Ali Samantar VA, USA
86. Mahamed Ali Afgoye VA, USA
87. Jamal Sh. Said VA, USA
88. Ahmed Sh. Said VA, USA
89. Prof. Liban Egal VA, USA
90. Yusuf A. I. Bowbow VA, USA
91. Dr Mahad Ahmed Gilao Tenis Brampton Ontario
92. Ugas Col Mohamed Farah Ali Toronto Ontario
93. Ahmed Abdikarim Walaayo Toronto Ontario
94. Abdirashid Salad Farah Keyton Mississauga Ontario
95. Nabadon Yaquuf Mohamed Osman Gacal Toronto
96. Nabadoon Mohamed Ibrahim Buurfuule Toronto Ontario
97. Saleemaan Yahya Toronto Ontario
98. Khadija Abdullahi Dalays(Wabari Star)
99. Faduma Abdullahi Nakruma(Wabari star)
100. Batulla Ahmed Gabala(Famous lyricist)
101. Idman Ali Said, Toronto, Onatrio
102. Layla Ahmed, Toronto, Onatrio
103. Maryan Farah Sindiko, Toronto, Onatrio
104. Layla Ahmed, Toronto, Ontario
105. Hodan Yusuf, Toronto, Ontario
106. Avv Haredo Ibrahim Bolis, Toronto, Ontario
107. Abdia Sheikh Ahmed Va, USA
108. Basra A. Salad, Va, USA
109. Ibrahim Y. Farah Colombus, OH.
110. Abdulkadir M. Ali VA, USA
111. Dr. Qasim Hirsi Farah, Toronto, Canada
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